Friday, December 2, 2011
November Over?
1. FOOD Choices - back to basics on low carb -- This has been hard for me this past month and I have no idea I'm hoping by going back to basics I can figure it all out again
----------- NOT Good AT ALL this month...I had the intention of getting back to it every morning but my good intentions always seem to fall by the wayside...I haven't really gained any weight but I haven't lost any either...
2. INSANITY - Stick to the a bit worried about boredom -- so am thinking I might add in BODYCOMBAT 3 times a week to spice it up.
----------- This is going actually really loving Round 2...maybe because I know what's going on...Round 1 was just plain hard work...this time round, I can put in a lot more effort...
3. BODYPUMP - 3 days a week
-----------Not finding it hard to stick to this one because...I LOVE BODYPUMP!!!
4. BLOG at least 4 times a week -- for the sanity of it all
-----------I always think this will be an easy goal and it always tends to be the hardest one...I was horrible at this again this month...but I will keep trying...
I had Dilyn home for 2 weeks this month...her operation went well but she is still whiny and clingy and just not getting better so I took her to the Doc and found out she has ear all is getting better...her talking is still wonky but it's getting better.I am Physically and mentally tired all the time. This has been such a hard week to even have the energy to complete my workouts...
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Week 1...Nov. Goals...
1. FOOD Choices - back to basics on low carb -- This has been hard for me this past month and I have no idea I'm hoping by going back to basics I can figure it all out again
----------- They were good this
2. INSANITY - Stick to the a bit worried about boredom -- so am thinking I might add in BODYCOMBAT 3 times a week to spice it up.
----------- Have stuck with it even though I found out I will have to restart it on the 7th...going to see if they would consider starting on the 6th because the first day on the program is a rest day(totally weird) but I would love the rest days to land on Sundays...
3. BODYPUMP - 3 days a week
------------ Only made it twice this week...having trouble balancing my time...
4. BLOG at least 4 times a week -- for the sanity of it all
------------ Well If I count my Nov goal blog and this one...
So today is our family B-Day party for Devyn and Dilyn...everyone coming the family ones because it's not such a big deal on the clean house's usually pretty clean(I am a Flybaby)
So NEW goal for the week....
I'm getting after my kids to put away and pick up after themselves...their not little anymore and it's really getting on my nerves....
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
1. FOOD Choices - back to basics on low carb -- This has been hard for me this past month and I have no idea I'm hoping by going back to basics I can figure it all out again
2. INSANITY - Stick to the a bit worried about boredom -- so am thinking I might add in BODYCOMBAT 3 times a week to spice it up.
3. BODYPUMP - 3 days a week
4. BLOG at least 4 times a week -- for the sanity of it all
That should take me through November with INSANITY up until the new year...I actually did miss my time with Shaun T -- we were just starting the love/hate relationship when it ended without a I guess it's time to see where I stand with him
Friday, October 28, 2011
Hit 40 lbs lost mark...
Hit my 40 lbs lost mark on Sept 30 -- but only .6 since then.
Finished my INSANITY program on Oct 15/11
Weigh in as of Oct 25/11 - 138.2
Another stressful week on the home front. Dilyn's surgery got canceled and threw a bit of loop into things...we had 2 volleyball tournaments - 9 games on Saturday alone...It was CRAZY...Devyn got a silver medal...and we were only running a little late to her soccer game...poor Dilyn though was so stir crazy by the time we got there she wouldn't sit still...up and down the bleachers...up and down the hallways...everyone was just staring...I finally stood up and told everyone that shes been sitting for 4 hours through volleyball games and this is like total freedom to her...everyone just nodded and left her everyone hasn't been there at one time or another...
We were supposed to go to Donovan's Scout Halloween Party on Wednesday but we never made it...Donovan failed another test...we had already pulled all electronics and TV...their was nothing else to do. Plus I found out today that he has a math test tomorrow...grrrrr
Anyway...the girls and I did facials and played Wipeout 2 on the Kinect for an hour and half and it Wiped Me OUT...
Today's is Devyn's 11th Birthday...but we celebrated yesterday because she is having a sleepover at her friends house tonight...we had her party 2 weeks ago because our weekends are fully booked until mid November...ACK!!!!
Monday, September 26, 2011
I need to break this cycle...
So I spend the week losing 2 lbs and 2 days gaining it back...It's got to stop but I don't know how to go about changing it. Our weekends are totally crazy around here in between all of the events and everything going on. It ends up being 6 or 7 by the time we get home and everyone's starving and we end up with pizza or throw together some nacho's or something else I shouldn't be eating....uuuhhhgggg
So frustrated....will work double hard this week...I just want to reach my 40 LBS lost mark...I still have another 10-15 I would like to lose but it's not going to happen if I don't figure out how to get off this crappy merry-go-round!!!!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
A - Z of ME....
A. Age - 42(43 in Dec)
B. Bed size - King(hubboes 6'4")
C. Chore you dislike - you name it...LOL
D. Dogs - 1 - Maggie - but looking for a puppy at the moment
E. Essential start to your day - Water
F. Favorite color - Black
G. Gold or silver - Silver
H. Height - 5'4"
I. Instruments you play(ed) - that count?
J. Job title - MOM
K. Kids - 4
L. Live - Edmonton,Alberta,Canada
M. Mom's name - Marylyn
N. Nicknames - Jay and
O. Overnight hospital stays - only 2 - when I had my tonsils out...and only my first baby
P. Pet peeves - oh...wear to start...drivers(all of them) when someone says they will do something, then don't.
Q.uote from a movie -"Good...Bad...I'm the guy with the gun" -Army of Darness AND "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled, was convincing the world he didn't exist" - The Usual Suspects
R. Righty or Lefty - Righty
S. Siblings - 1 - younger brother
T. Time you wake up - 7:15 am
U. Underwear -
V. Vegetables you don't like - brussel sprouts...YUCK
W. What makes you run late - did I mention 4 kids...
X. X-rays you've had - arm(6x),leg(4x),both knees, lungs
Y. Yummy food you make - lasagne and broccoli salad
Z. Zoo animal favorites - monkeys of course...
A little about me...
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Great weekend...
The kids Grandma showed up at the door and I was a little shocked...then Hubby surprised me with tickets to the Maroon 5/Train concert
It was
I think hes feeling a little guilty because he's out of town again till Wednesday and then gone again on Thursday till Sunday
So hubbies gone and I have been dropping off kids and friends all morning....uuhhhgggg...still have 2 more to pick up again in a couple hours...MOM'S TAXI service...
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Tuesday...feels like Monday!!!
All the kids are back in school...hubbies in Calgary till tomorrow night...then Vancouver on Friday...then Montreal on Sunday till next Wednesday...
It's going to be a couple crazy weeks...
BLC 17 starts tomorrow...go Mighty Mocha Hunters...I can already tell it's going to be a blast...
The Cool Carrots are doing ...
I still have some tracking to post for 2 more challenges BUT I am getting a blog done...that's a bonus...
Insanity Day 24 DONE - have I mentioned how much I HATE PLYO!!!!!
Spin class DONE!!
Cycling to and from the gym DONE!!
Doing BODYPUMP tonight for my strength training...still working on how to track it...
It really feels like a Monday with me behind on everything as usual...still need to get my menu finished, make a shopping list but first freezer inventory...uuuhhhgggg!!!
Monday, August 29, 2011
August Wrap -up!!!!!
Day 13 of Insanity done...Pure cardio - 60 minutes...uuuhhhggg - BUT 2 days of REST now
It was a pretty good week, busy but good...4 dentist appointments, 2 physicals, a new pink cast, and a sleep apnea test all getting a 5 year old to pee in a cup...she couldn't stop laughing so I'm sure you all know how that went
Weaknesses - tracking my food...I just can't seem to get back into it. Am doing good today though
Strength - I am going ability to deal with my schedule being thrown into turmoil...I usually don't deal well with that...Proud of myself
Really liked getting points for spending time with my family...because otherwise I would have just ignored them
So I did accomplish a couple of my goals...SORT OF..
1. I did an advanced yoga class rather then and advanced spin class...
2. I am organized for back to school...I know what I need to still buy...that's something...
Goals for the rest of September challenge:
1. Track all my food
2. Take an advanced spin class
3. Get my household organizer re-organized for back to school...
4. Redo my whiteboard with all the kids chores...
All in all a great week and here's hoping for an
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Tough to keep on track...
There were 3 days last week and 2 this week I didn't even get on my bike
So my goals were...
1. Breakfast within an hour of getting up
2. Get back on track - tracking carbs daily..not even close
3. Stick with RUSHFIT schedule...Yeah Right?
REALLY shows how bad I am at thinking in the world did I expect to stick to RUSHFIT when I'm not even home...GRRRRRRRR
OK so I'm behind 4 days already for this 10 and I won't be in town for the next 10 so I am going to try and come up with goals that I can accomplish in the next 16 days!!!
1. Really watch my carbs - quite hard when camping
2. Get in some kind of exercise daily for at least 30 minutes
3. Don't get stressed about the small stuff - there's enough big things to stress about
4. Take some ME time everyday!!! - Big one
5. To stick with healthy snacks - the people we are going with are total junk foodies
6. Say NO!!! This will be the hard one....NO to the chips, No to the smores...No,No,No!!! I do get a cheat day and will use it wisely
7. August 1 - back on track for food - Restart RUSHFIT - !!!!!!!
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Scouts Family Camp...
We were all in the cook shack talking, laughing, drinking and huddling around the fire stove to stay warm. We all headed out about 10:30 for our campers and low and behold it was JUNE!!!! couldn't believe it and all I wanted was a pic and stupid battery on my phone was really low and it wouldn't let me take one...GRRRRRRRRR
Saturday was better...took a bike through the town and around the side of the lake with all the summer cabins then back...It was spitting the whole time....
It got nicer as the day went on but not enough for canoeing The waves were unreal on the lake but we did get in archery and a 'Shorty hike' which was 2 hours of bush wack paths. Up steep embankments and hills. We found some caverns we went exploring through and some huge sand dunes we were climbing. My knees were KILLING me but it was
Nothing like camping when you don't have to entertain your kids or cook. It was so nice
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
What a couple days....
Came in for lunch...hubby took the kids to the park for a bit so I did my yoga...ouch...then I stuck in my Tai Chi for a cool down was only going to do about 15 minutes but ended up doing it all...
After supper we all went for a power the park and were loving all the park time...
Then the kids went to bed and hubby went to work out and I was bored...after all that I went and did my EZ 55 Turbofire...ended up with 205 min of cardio
To say the least I have no idea how the heck I had the energy but it was an abundance today to bike 21km to Rundle park...spent a couple hours with my daughter's kindergarten class and biked home. I had packed an extra shirt because I didn't know what the bike was going to do to me and it was a good thing I did because I was soaked
Racking up those points
I hope you all have a wonderful day
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
A New Day....
I was going to skip my TurboFire/Chalean Hybrid workout when I realized it's did this week go. Anyway, it's an OFF day so no guilt
Hit the stationary bike for an hour...felt good to have that
I think we might bike to the soccer game today and get in another hour of cardio...I love when it's just me and my oldest because she can haul it and keep up so I don't have to keep circling back.
It's a lot of hills to the game tonight so I'll have to leave it up to her considering she has to play...
Other then that all is good...busy, busy, busy!!!! That's my life
Have a wonderful day!!!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Friday weigh In...
Down to 147 today...that's a loss of 2.2 lbs this week...YAY
My daughter has decided to just ignore me today...which really is good news. She has become very defiant and confrontational...not that that's new just become a little too much lately. She has the disrespect thing down pat and just not getting it...grrrrrrr So I had taken away her sleepover tonight hence the silent treatment...
BUT it's not going to take me down today...I feel great and I'm just plain life is what it is...
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Day 32...
Push Circuit 2 - Stretch 10
Awesome workout. It didn't help calm the body or mind but it did help get out some of the aggravation...
It's been stressful around here...I think it's hubbies time of month...he's been such a jerk lately...I don't even know what to say and more problems with my 13 yr old daughter...grrrrrrrr
Might have to put in some Body Combat so I can beat up the air and get out more anger...
Anyway...only 1 soccer game tonight so that's a blessing
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Day 30...
Burn It Off and Extreme Abs
Love that workout but I need more....
Strength training done...cardio done. Might head out for a bike ride. Forecast of rain starting Thursday and running until next Thursday off and on.
Might put in some more later....we'll see how the bike ride goes
Weigh In this morning was 148.8...down .4 from Sundays weigh In.
Not minding these 3 day a week weigh Ins...they are keeping me on track that for sure.
That puts me at my 30 lbs lost goal...YAY
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Day 30...
Day: 30 of Turbo Fire/Chalean Extreme Hybrid
Burn It Off and Extreme Abs
Love that workout but I need more....
Strength training done...cardio done. Might head out for a bike ride. Forecast of rain starting Thursday and running until next Thursday off and on.
Might put in some more later....we'll see how the bike ride goes
Weigh In this morning was 148.8...down .4 from Sundays weigh In.
Not minding these 3 day a week weigh Ins...they are keeping me on track that for sure.
Have a great Tuesday all
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Monday, May 16, 2011
Catch up!!!
Fridays weigh in was 149.2
The lower carb has sure helped out. I'm still going strong on my TurboFire/Chalean Hybrid program and having been adding in a lot of Body Combat and Body Pump. I so love them.
Feeling great today...I normally hate Mondays...but I don't know. Wind is down, sun is up...and it's the start of a whole new week...
Had another fight with my daughter, you think I would be used to this already. It's a daily task that I can check off my list for today...
Workout is finished and I am tired but ready for a new day...a new week. 2 camping trips already booked for July so that makes me happy too...
I hope your all having a great day...if your not then make it better...