Thursday, June 10, 2010

Not looking...

I think I would really enjoy skipping the weigh-In tomorrow...wouldn't bother me one bit...:)

Today was Darian's birthday. She turned 13!!!! Too scary...13 years have just flown by...I have no idea where any of it has gone...

I haven't worked out for 2 days...YIKES. I just haven't been feeling good. Yesterday...something was up with my tummy...upset and gurgling all day. I have no idea...but it was pissed. Today has just been too busy and I am sooooo tired. I slept horribly because of my tummy giving me crap all night.

I usually take Fridays off but I think I won't this week...I do owe myself a little sweating time.

Eating has been good...we only bought those little mini cupcakes for Darian's birthday so I only had 1...105 calories...yikes...but very yummy. Other then that I've been alright this week. I did have 6 of those Kettle baked hickory chips...too good those are, but at 170 calories for 30 of then I'll forgive myself :) Was actually quite surprised because chips are my binge food, but 6 was enough...yay me!!!!!

I tried the fruit water with watermelon...TY Princess Dieter :) I might try frozen fruit...I have a ton of blueberries and strawberries...that's for tomorrow.

So have a great night and
Make It A Good One :)


  1. Im in for the owingthebodsweatingtime today as well.

    starting now!

    have a great friday---Im working out with you in spirit.


  2. I think there is a new round of crud going round again. Good thing it is not too horrible and even better is that it passes fast. Hope today finds you feeling better - and good work on the restraint from the good tasting but not so good for you food !

  3. I havent felt so hot either, probably havent worked out for about 3 weeks. I know, lazy lazy!!!
