Day 13 of Insanity done...Pure cardio - 60 minutes...uuuhhhggg - BUT 2 days of REST now
It was a pretty good week, busy but good...4 dentist appointments, 2 physicals, a new pink cast, and a sleep apnea test all getting a 5 year old to pee in a cup...she couldn't stop laughing so I'm sure you all know how that went
Weaknesses - tracking my food...I just can't seem to get back into it. Am doing good today though
Strength - I am going ability to deal with my schedule being thrown into turmoil...I usually don't deal well with that...Proud of myself
Really liked getting points for spending time with my family...because otherwise I would have just ignored them
So I did accomplish a couple of my goals...SORT OF..
1. I did an advanced yoga class rather then and advanced spin class...
2. I am organized for back to school...I know what I need to still buy...that's something...
Goals for the rest of September challenge:
1. Track all my food
2. Take an advanced spin class
3. Get my household organizer re-organized for back to school...
4. Redo my whiteboard with all the kids chores...
All in all a great week and here's hoping for an